
*Insert Panicked Monkey Sounds Here*

What a shite day. It was going right along, ho hum, lots of work getting done, lots of things being completed, lots of items being checked off the to-do list. Then *WHAM*...brick wall.

Yet, in the midst of this ulcer-inducing day, a few things have warranted a chuckle or a smile or a belly laugh:

- Waking up to a smile.
- Bumper sticker in the employee parking lot: "Yee-Haw" is not a foreign policy.
- Message on the voicemail: "I wish you a day filled with sunshine and rainbows."
- Conversation with a supplier: "I will work with you anytime. You make my job easy."
- Good news about treehugger's little girl.
- The fact I will never, ever have to see or talk to the Ex From Hell ever again. (Final stage of Operation: Give Me Back My Rosary was completed today.)
- Contemplation of joining the roller derby, due to a fellow employee's urging.
- Bonding with my sister despite being separated by thousands of miles.
- Loretta Lynn.

Don't worry, faithful (3) readers. The cynic in me is still there. It just had to take a back burner today in order to keep that thread of sanity clinging. (Tenuous hold though it may be.)