
Survey This

Got a survey this morning. Thought I'd share.

1. What time did you get up this morning? First time: 6:30. Second time: 7:00. Third time: 7:10.

2. Diamonds or pearls? Pearls, but only if they're fake.

3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? The cinema or the "cinema"? In both cases, I can't remember.

4. What is your favorite TV show? Simpsons

5. What did you have for breakfast? Tried to get a granola bar from the vending machine, but the damn thing wouldn't take dimes.

6. What is your middle name? Sexy

7. What is your favorite cuisine? Homemade anything.

8. What foods do you dislike? Cold soup. Rancid meat. Soggy veggies. Other than that, I'll try anything once.

9. What is your favorite chip flavor? Habenero.

10. What is your favorite CD at the moment? A burned medley that hasn't left my CD player in weeks. And Crooked Fingers' "Bring on the Snakes"...which I'm listening to right now.

11. What type of car do you drive? Nissan Sentra-crap-o

12. Favorite sandwich? Turkey and swiss with tomato, avocado, lettuce and sprouts.

13. What characteristic do you despise? Simpering. Ugh.

14. Favorite item of clothing? My jeans.

15. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would it be? Start at the Bahamas, cruise on over to Italy, then on to Egypt. On my yacht, of course.

16. What color is your bathroom? White with pale green accent stuff. And a cow picture.

17. Favorite brand of clothing? Meh, when I shop, I hit the sale racks.

18. Where would you retire to? A beach somewhere. Anywhere.

19. Favorite time of the day? Pretty much anytime.

20. What was your most memorable birthday? This past one. My friends and family made it so wonderful.

21. Where were you born? In the Land of Lincoln.

22. Favorite sport to watch? Basketball, gymnastics.

25. What fabric detergent do you use? Gain Mountain Fresh? The blue one with the green top.

26. Coke or Pepsi? Neither.

27. Are you a morning person or a night owl? Depends how much sleep I've had the night before. And if I'm gettin' nookie or not. ;)

28. What is your shoe size? 6 ½ - 7

29. Do you have any pets? No. I almost did.

30. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with your family or friends? I'm going on a road trip! To Austin! Whoo-hoo!

31. What did you want to be when you were little? Everything. I'm still having trouble deciding.