
Good Morning! (Or, How I Learned How Quickly My Blood Pressure Can Rise)

7:30 am: Woke up. Groaned as looked at clock. Fell asleep again.
8:00 am: Woke up again. Resigned to being awake.
8:15 am: Finally got the balls to self-wax the bikini line. Hangover and grogginess probably helped, since it wasn't as bad as the last time.
9:00 am: Ran oatmeal bath, started laundry. (separately, of course.)
9:30 am: Ahhhhhhhhhhhh...pedicure. Mmmmmmm.
10:00 am: Worked on the trainwreck that has become my blog.
10:01 am: Hear bird. Inside house. Huh?
10:14 am: First alert to major work problem. Bird still chirping from...somewhere.
10:20 am: Tenth phone call to alleviate work problem. No dice.
10:25 am: Paced outside in parking lot while phone blew up with call after call.
10:26 am: Short break from phone. Visit to leasing office to say, "Hey, there's a bird in my air ducts."
10:45 am: Still no solution to work problem. Bird still chirping, and getting louder.
10:50 am: Folding laundry, going crazy from bird noises, phone stuck to the ear.
11:00 am: Losing mind.
11:01 am: Pondered the wisdom of taking a shot.
11:02 am: Decided against it.
11:03 am: Thought about it some more.
11:04 am: Really decided against it.
11:18 am: Solution to work problem almost solved.
11:19 am: Shit, not yet. Dammit.
11:25 am: Solution to work problem almost solved...again.
11:26 am: Dammit, dammit, dammit. Shut UP, bird!
11:30 am: Got out screwdriver, detached register facing on air duct.
11:31 am: Ewwww! Huge dead spider! Blech!
11:32 am: Propped open air duct with broom handle. Birdy just sitting there, chillin'. No hurry to go anywhere.
11:33 am: Stop ringing, phone!
11:39 am: Got out mop. Propped open air duct with broom handle, poked bird with mop handle. Bird flew right out the front door. Bird problem solved!
11:40 am: Picture below air duct falls off wall. Broken glass everywhere. Sigh...
11:41 am: Vacuum.
11:42 am: Last phone call - work problem solved!
11:50 am: Coding in blog fixed.
11:59 am: Collapsed on couch.
12:01 am: Fuck, there's still laundry to do.
12:01:05 am: Sigh...