
Answer: Super-Nifty-Peachy-Keen-Cool

Question: What is the last thing I heard the Most Annoying Woman On The Planet say as I was leaving the fam's house at halftime tonight. It made me roll my eyes so hard they almost popped out of my head. I try to like her, but darn it if she just doesn't grate on my nerves. And it's a grating that includes high-percentage rubbing alcohol and coarse grain sandpaper.

The rest of the weekend was not nearly so annoying. Actually, it was the complete opposite. Treehugger invited the gang to her house on Friday, and instead of the usual bones and darts and mass-imbibing of fermented yeast, we all just chilled and sipped and shot the shit. And The Boys were pretty well behaved - only one gag inducing story the whole night.*

Saturday was the day for a cleaning effort that took the term anal-retentive (obsessive compulsive?) to a whole new level. Let's just say that I was on my mattress with a vacuum cleaner and was seriously considering hand scrubbing the patio when the voice of reason kicked back in. I may need help, but damn my room is clean. Saturday night was, how you say, fantastic. Full of music and stomach butterflies. If any of the two people that read this blog need a recommendation, see Steve Earle or Allison Moorer, or both. You won't be sorry, I swear.

Which brings us to today, with a state of dreaminess induced by those same stomach butterflies from Saturday and a lack of sleep. I guess by the end of the day that dreaminess turned into crankiness, and MAWOTP was not helping matters much. I love my family so much, though, amd especially Grams. She is such a hoot, yelling at my uncle in Italian and yelling at the football players on the screen in English while fixing beef and sausage sammiches. Greatness. That woman is a gem, and man alive I'm lucky she's my grammy.

All in all, a wonderful weekend. Family, friends(new and old), music, with a dash of crack-monkeyness. Pretty good recipe if I do say so myself.

And I still have a clean room after all that, too. :)

*Speaking of - has anyone ever heard of a competition that is based on how nasty a fella's jiz rag gets? Apparently, it exists in college dorm rooms. The crustier the better. Bleck. You males can be quite disturbing sometimes. But I love ya anyway.