
So. Sleepy.

Holy cow, does the keyboard look ever so comfortable.

Having a hard time staying awake this afternoon. My head keeps doing that fall-back/whip-back-up motion that one may do during a boring seminar or sermon. And the eyes feel as though they've 20 pound weights hanging from each. So...tempting...to...lay...head...zzzzzzzzz.

But no! Must stay awake! Must be alert for meeting in an hour! Must be alert for second meeting in 3.5 hours! Must not give in to sweet, sweet...zzzzzzzzzz.

This is crazy. It's not as if I didn't get, like, um, four and a half hours of sleep last night. But really, that's usually enough to at least get through the day awake. None of this nodding off at the desk crap happens. Maybe today isn't a normal day.

And it doesn't help that it's abso-friggin-lutely beautiful outside, either. The bright blue skies and warm sun are beckoning to me, saying, "Come on! Go ahead and leave the bat cave cubicle. No one will notice. Grab a blanket and a book and go the park. Read under a tree by the water until you fall asleep basking in one of nature's perfect spring days!" But no. Here I sit, typing a bunch of babbling gibberish about comfortable keyboards and talking elements of nature in an attempt to shake off the inevitable nap that is trying to knock me out.

If anyone has a suggestion on how to wake up that doesn't include Red Bull, coffee, or drugs, I'd be thrilled to hear it.