
I *heart* ATM fees

No, really! Love them. More than life itself. If ATM fees were human, I'd marry them in a heartbeart, because I'd know they would support me with their little knack of SUCKING THE LIFE OUT OF BANK ACCOUNTS.*

Let me clarify.

I much prefer the little credit union with whom I do business as opposed to the faceless conglomerates available. They know my name, contact me if anything unusal is happening with the account, and have supported every single loan I've had personably and easily. One down side, though, is that sometimes they charge an extra fee depending on which ATM is used. It's usually no more than a buck, buck-fifty at most. No big deal in the grand scheme of things. A cheap crapshoot, if you will.

Except of course, when crapshoot ensures that the $500 check you write will be bouncing due to a mere lack of 46 cents...46 cents that would have been there if the extra fee hadn't been charged.

46 cents = $25.00. It's the new banker's math.

Maybe I can deposit a dollar before the check hits...

*I know it's my own fault, really. Just had to rant.