
E for Effort

I'm gradually phasing out the inner tomboy. It's a challenge, but I think I'm making some positive strides. Stopped (well, almost) biting my nails. Started wearing mascara. Bought a pair of pink and black stiletto heels even though they matched nothing that I owned. (I HAD to...they were only 35 bucks.)

So, I wore them to the office today, and during a smoke break I walked around the side of the building. The side of the building that has grass. The side of the building where there's about a foot drop-off before you hit the grass. And it rained over the weekend.

You ladies know what happens when you're not paying attention and try to off-road in the mud while wearing stilts. Well, those of you that have inner tomboys do. The rest of you lovelies are laughing your asses off at me, imagining my pretty, dainty heels sunk 3 inches into the muck while I flail about like an epileptic pigeon trying to keep my balance.

See, the desire is there. It's just not fully ingrained yet. The brain doesn't say, "You're not wearing sensible footwear - do not walk over there. The consequences would be dire." Sigh...

I'd still rather wear a t-shirt, jeans and flip-flops any day. Which reminds me, I got a great pair of high heel flip-flops from my stepmom. I can't wait for summer. :)