
Friday Randomness

I've come to the conclusion that I need supervision while I sleep.

Due to being a tad overtired and a bit burned out (these past five months have been killer...where the fuck did January go?), I had more fun sleep antics last night.

I woke up in the middle of placing a phone call to an ex.

The odd thing is, I was dreaming about something completely unrelated right before I woke up. Thankfully, the number must belong to someone else now, because some dude named Robert picked up. He sounded awfully confused. But then again, so was I. It was a "why am I on the phone?", "did I call this person?", and a "holy flurking snit! I just dialed the Tool's number!" clusterfuck of confusion. And it was 1:22 a.m.

I've heard of drunken dialing before, but sleep dialing? How effing ridiculous. Let's look at the progression of the sleepy antics over the years, shall we?

1 - Sleep talking
2 - Sleep walking
3 - Sleep cleaning
4 - (almost) Sleep driving
5 - Sleep dialing?

By all things logical, I should be Sleep Cliff-Diving, or Sleep Lion Taming, or something dangerous that fits with the pattern that has developed. Though, I guess calling exes while in a highly suggestive state is pretty dangerous in its own right...