
Please Talk Softly

I had this nice, long post written, and then Blogger had to go shit itself again. So here's the short version of the uber update:

Work shendig. Last night. Went well. Success measured by size of hangover today. Head pounding. Vision blurry. Need a nap. Event was huge success.

Promotion coming soon. Hard work of past years paying off. Nervous, but excited. Ready to be challenged again. So happy I could puke.

Keep singing show tunes. Damn happy, girly feelings. Things well in romance dept. Obviously, since singing show tunes like idiot. Need to buy vibrator diminished.

Sister home from abroad. Think she had good time. Not quite sure, though. Talking not her forte. Teenager.

Mom home from abroad. Dumped a margarita in her ear. Knocked 15 points off golf game. Approached by natives looking to sell weed. Had a blast.

Room messy. Closet on floor. Car almost paid off. New brakes needed. Want to plant flowers. Want to get dog. Want to go tubing in Austin. Kinda hungry. Really thirsty. Need an Aleve.

That pretty much covers it.