
*Insert Clever Title Here*

Curses. I've got a jaunty little tune stuck playing on auto-repeat inside my head. At least it's not "I'm All Outta Love" by Air Supply. (And how many of you want to kill me for putting THAT one in your head?) Smooches.

This weekend was...fun! By Friday, the noggin was exhausted and a bit fragile, so pretty much just chilled with a good (cheap!) bottle of vino and a documentary. I highly recommend both - the former for the fun graphics, worthy cause and delightful taste, and the latter for the emotional twist you'll get in your gut and the realization our current business lifestyle is careening the human species and earth as a whole toward utter destruction. The mind bender is how to stop or at least slow it down. (/rant)

Saturday was full of couch laziness until I got a phone call to join in go-kart racing. Holy cow, it's been a while! The karts seemed so much faster years ago, but it was still a blast. Alpha Male Friend and Beta Male Friend were giggling manically the whole time while trying to run each other into the wall. Funny thing is, I was only about 6 inches taller than the "You Must Be At Least This Tall To Drive By Yourself" line. My buds got a kick out of that.

Saturday night was a delightful combination of: patio time, acoustic tunes, a fucking fantastic Mavs game, darts, meeting an extremely cool namesake, and terrible, terrible karoake. (But really, is there any other kind of karoake?) Sunday was the requisite time with the Moms, and I'd have to say she had a nice time, with brunch and sculpture gardens and collections of Asian art and such.

Tomorrow I get to go to the Rangers game and covertly drool over Texiera's massive...playing abilities. That man could guard a bean bag and make it look good, I swear. /fantasy man crush

And I'd like to give a big internet hug to my beautiful Tree Hugger. Thanks for being you, you precious hippie.