
"Run, this is no joke, leave the grounds"

A couple days late, but nonetheless...

I'm skeeved off that the breaking news of the evacuation of the White House and Capitol the other day raised my personal terror level. And even more skeeved that CNN chose to issue breaking news emails (for which I'm not registered - it came through a co-worker) bearing the bad news, which looked pretty silly five minutes later when the "Breaking News: All clear given at Capitol..." yadda yadda yadda came over.

The media in this country is obsessed with geronimo journalism.

Geronimo Journalism (n.) : Breaking a sensational story that causes or is designed to cause fear and/or confusion without waiting for 5 minutes to fact check or see if it was just a false alarm for the SOLE PURPOSE of being the first news outlet to get the information to the people, however wrong it may be. (See also: jumping out of an airplane without checking to make sure your chute was packed correctly. See also the 2000 elections.)