
Wrong Side of the Bed

Well, actually, to be honest I physically woke up on the *correct* side of the bed, but dammit if humanity at large isn't trying to figuratively fuck it all up.

Rant to commence in 3...2...1...

I don't understand people. I truly don't. How fucking hard is it to treat other folks decently, no matter if you know them or not? Don't cut other people off on the road, fucking smile and respond when someone says "Good morning!", and always, ALWAYS have the decency to let a potential S.O. know if it's not working out.

Case in point:

One of my dearest friends has been seeing a fella for a couple months. Classic "meet on the internet, instant connection in real life" type thing. A nice guy - well read, loves kids, maybe stresses about his job a bit much. But funny and musically literate and sweet to her, which scores big brownie points with her friends. He's done a few sketchy things like bailing at the last minute, but that's attributed to panic attacks, which is completely understandable. (Interestingly enough, I know more and more people as I get older that develop panic attack disorder, including myself. It's a scary, scary thing. But anyhoo...)

Lately, he's been leaving her in limbo, though. I don't know him well enough to attribute it to any one specific thing, but limbo is a terrible place to be regardless of the reason. And I know it's killing her to not have an answer as to what's going on or if things are going to get better or such. She did get a sort of non-answer when curiousity led her to see if he's been back at the online dating site where they met. He has. And he's posted new pictures.

Internet dating is not faceless. It is not emotionally safer than dating "in real life". It is not without reprecussions to both parties. It is not like an online community you join and then forget that you're a member. And, especially if you end up meeting a person in real life, decency to communicate still applies.

Like I said, I just don't get it. I've had enough failed relationships - romantic and otherwise - to where I've learned that the one thing that can keep the other person from feeling lower than scum on the bottom of shoe is just to treat EVERYONE with the respect and love. Regardless of what is/will/can transpire...keep in mind that all anybody needs is love and kindness. And that doesn't have to be a soulmate-butterfly-in stomach-googly-eyed type love for everyone. Save that for someone special. But, kids, let's all play nice here and start treating your fellow humans with just an IOTA of respect. Everything else will follow after that. Stop cheating on your S.O. Smile at the cashier. Say hello to a stranger. Don't steal your girlfriend's pain pills after surgery just because you need a fix. Pay for your mom's lunch. Quit expecting that everyone owes you everything and get the nasty, bitter taste of unrealistic expectations out of your mouth. You'll say much prettier things then.

Please? For the collective human sanity? I swear I'm not some sort of naive, idealistic hippie that thinks peace and love will solve it all. But dammit if it wouldn't make a good start. (And make morning commutes, shopping and relationships much more pleasant.)