
Such a Wuss

Treading water. Running in place. Watching the same two minute short over and over again. Yes, things are good. On the surface. Technically, I should be clicking my heels in the air and doing the Mexican hat dance con mucho gusto.

But I'm not. I'm frustrated.

Things are good. I swear. The possibilities are endless. They're exciting. They're just around the corner. They'll be here any day. It's gonna be fine, really. But they stay around the corner. They don't come. They're elusive, hidden. A manic 4-year genius playing "Hide and Go Seek".

You being unhappy is not acceptable. You're valued. You're prized. We'd do anything to keep you here. But we'll talk about your role in a few weeks. And in the meantime, take on your new role but be compensated for the old one. Oh, and read our minds as to what your role is.

Be fake happy. Everything will get better soon. A positive attitude goes a long way. Chin up while your schedule doesn't permit you to attend out of state family functions and drains away your joye de vive. Rainbow thoughts while your salary doesn't permit you to save money, buy a necessary airfare or pay to repair your damaged car. Skip and gallop along as your job puts you in a bad mood and makes you alienate people away with your pissiness. 'Cause you're going places, and that's all that matters.

The siren's whispered murmur of a successful career just may be the death of me someday. At the very least, it'll be the cause of my baldness and heart attack at age 30.

It was nice today, though, to get some necessary kinks worked out of a relationship that I'd be lost without. When two women get pissy, the results can never be good. Thank goodness we're both sane (enough) to recognize and talk about it.

Now it's off to bed so I can be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed for the damage estimate on my poor widdle car tomorrow morning at 7 a.m. Woo-hoo!

Life (tm) - A perpetual alternating smack on the ass and peck on the cheek.